When Hasbro announced the GI Joe Classified Series I really wasn't sure what to make of it. At the time I was in the process of pairing down my Marvel Legends collection, which are about the same size. I loved the Joes growing up as a kid...probably a tie with Transformers in terms of how many toys I had growing up. I wasn't sure if I would even care for a larger Joe figure because it was such a drastic change from what I knew as a kid. Sure, they would be more articulated, highly detailed and have more gear...but so did the GI Joe Sigma 6 line and we know how collector's thought about that series.
When I decided I'd take a flier on buy a figure...I couldn't find any at retail. While the figures themselves are really nice, most people won't know because these figures (like many other modern action figures) are near impossible to find at local retail. I believe I grabbed Destro here from Hasbro Pulse and since then I've only made one other purchase in this series.
I'd like to give a huge "thank you" to whomever at Hasbro that designed the packaging of these figures as it is beautiful. I know different artists were hired for the character art, whom Oliver Barrett handled the art duties for Destro. The large window gives a nice view of the figure itself, which I particularly appreciate as I always like to compare all the samples in the store, critiquing the paint apps on each figure until I find the best one.
Flip the box over and you're treated to a gorgeous splash of art featuring many iconic Joe and Cobra characters in front of an explosive background. Surrounding the characters are both land and air vehicles, which is a nice touch, may may be a cruel tease for some as vehicles may never appear in this series...well at least in any large capacity.
the left side of each box feature a different number while the right side features a close up of the character that wraps around to the front of the box. Thankfully you can open these boxes to access the figure without causing any damage...just in case you are one of those collectors that opts to keep the packaging.
Destro comes packaged with two pistols and a briefcase. The black pistol has a uncanny resemblance to the pistol his original ARAH toy came with. The smaller gold pistol looks more like an old revolver, which can be placed in Destro's red leg holster.
So far Destro is the only Classified figure I've opened, but I'm going to assume that most (if not all) of the figures will have similar points of articulation. If you are really into action figure photography or just like to pose your figures in dynamic poses, then you'll appreciate the articulation and level of detail that was put into this figure in particular.
Destro looks like Destro, while adding some modern detail to the classic uniform. The head is done in a silver metallic paint. While they may disappoint some people, I think the final look is pretty good. I'm not sure how a chromed head would look in this scale.
If I have any gripe over the look of the figure is at the knees...I just don't care for the dark gray knee pads. It's a small complaint and I'm not sure why they bother me, but they do.
The included brief case isn't just a sold piece of plastic. Open it up and you'll find a computer and a load of bundled cash! This is a fitting accessory considering Destro is an arms dealer. Only if there was a M.A.R.S. logo inclusion somewhere on the briefcase.
I really hate that this figure is so great because after opening and photographing Destro it's made me want more, especially Cobra characters. I say I hate this because so many of these characters are hard to find. I've love to have a Baroness figure, but being that she was a Target store exclusive I knew the chances of me ever owning her would be slim to none.
Hasbro has a great thing going with the Classified series, but I'm afraid of the distribution doesn't improve (quickly) the frustration level of fans will continue to rise until they get to a point where hands are thrown in the air and people walk away entirely. That said, if you can jump on a pre-order for the newer figures or you just get lucky and find a figure at retail I say go for it.