Saturday, February 10, 2024

Transformers Legacy United: Magneous


One of the greatest things with the Legacy line of Transformers is the sheer variety of characters, or even new characters such as Magneous. Part of the new Infernac Universe, this rocky character draws references from both the Headmasters cartoon series from Japan as well as the Rock Lords from Gobots lore. The latter is one of the reasons I grabbed this figure. If the word Infernac rings a bell, it's because its from a past Hasbro property, Inhumanoids. While not everything has to connect in some way, I've always thought Inhumanoids was already loosely linked to the world of Transformers thanks to the old Sunbow cartoon with appearances by the report, Hector Ramirez.

At first glance this figure does resemble a Rock Lord character, which I'm sure is something the designers were going for. However it you look a little closer, you can see parts of the alternate form, which is essential a rock on wheels. Magneous is an Amorizer, which means you can deconstruct the figure into smaller pieces that can be attached to other/larger Transformers and used as armor. This is the same concept as Weaponizers and Fossilizers. Now if you are looking for what the armor pieces look like when disassembled, I'm going to disappoint you because I don't care for this feature so I've skipped it.

I love the headsculpt of Magneous, the darker colored face plate and the small yellow eyes. The uneven shards on the forehead are also a nice touch.

Magneous can wield his own parks as weapons. The top of his vehicle mode doubles as a shield for defensive purposes. Offensively he wields a pick axe weapon. I do have to admit that he looks pretty menacing all armed up.

The alternate mode is that of an armored truck. If it weren't for the defined windows on the cab, it would be a little harder to make out what the vehicle mode is. The rocky detail, the shading applied looks fantastic. This makes me think how great a modern, proper Rock Lord character could look.

With the Armorizers not having a traditional transformation and with Magneous being a new character, I can see how not every fan/collector would like this figure. I for one however am impressed and I can't wait to see more characters from the Infernac Universe in the near future.

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