
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

WWE Basic Collection Series 122: Chelsea Green (variant)

We are on the road to WrestleMania and as such expect to see a little more WWE product on the blog in the coming weeks than usual. We're going to kick things off with this figure of Chelsea Green from series 122 of the basic figures. It's been a while since I've featured a WWE basic series figure, with Kelly Kelly last showing up almost exactly 9 years ago!

Mattel's basic WWE figures may lack the articulation, paint apps and accessories that their Elite Collection counterparts have, but many times the various wrestler's first figure will be in the basic series, as is the case here with Mrs. Cardona, Chelsea Green. Part of the 122nd series of figures, she came in two varieties. The common version she sported light purple wresting gear with white boots and knee pads. The chase or variant version replaced her gear with all black. The last time I happened to place an order for some figure stands with Ringside Collectibles they just happened to have the chase version in stock, so I added it to my cart...if nothing else it helped me reach the amount to get free shipping.

Packaging for the basic figures hasn't changed much over the years. You still get a large image of the wrestler's face beside the blister bubble showcasing the figure itself. It does note that this was Chelsea's first (WWE) figure at that time of release. The back of the packaging has a large cross sell for the other figures in that particular series. 

Mattel has done a good job with capturing the likeness of the wrestler and Chelsea is no different. While I'm not sure about the large grin on her face, the paint apps that create her eyes are nicely done. The molded hair is detailed and the plastic used is soft enough to bend to allow the head to turn. Paint apps on the rest of the figure aren't bad. Black paint is used on the body, arms and legs to create her wrestling gear. The boots are tall and cover he knees for the most part, but the knees do look odd from the rear view being painted black. I count about 12 points of articulation on the figure - head/neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips/legs and knees. No ankle pivot or ab crunch. Being that I'm not the best with pulling off dynamic poses with my figures (see below) I don't mind the absence of say an ab crunch because the figure looks more aesthetically pleasing without the cut in the stomach area.

Ironically enough by the time this figure was released to retail Chelsea had already been released from her WWE contract. With the massive amount of layoffs that happened in WWE in 2021 and even early in 2022 it's no surprise that a lot of the licensed products coming out feature an outdated roster. For some this may make the figure more or less desirable. I got to know Chelsea via Matt Cordona's YouTube videos and could tell she was a character herself. I never got to see her actually wrestle much, but knew she was someone worth following regardless of which promoter she was working with. When I realized she had a figure coming out I figured it was worth grabbing and adding to my sparse collection. For a $9.98 figure it's not bad. I'd say it's on par with the last few basic WWE figures I've purchased. Knowing she won't get the Elite treatment from Mattel now that she's not with the WWE, this may be the best version collector's get for the time being.


  1. Amazing how many wrestling figures they continue to make. It's awesome.

    1. Mattel has been going strong with the WWE license for sure!
