
Friday, May 21, 2021

Cops 'n Crooks: Buttons McBoomBoom

Back in the winter of 2017, I created a new subcategory in the 80's/90's & more category for Cops 'n Crooks as I acquired a few figures. The first figure reviewed was none other than Big Boss himself. I didn't think it would take this long before I made it to the next figure, but here we (finally) are!

Anytime Big Boss was shown on the screen during the old DIC animated show, his bodyguard, Buttons McBoomBoom wasn't far behind. This had to be one of the coolest figures released in the series thanks to his gimmick, however I know some fans weren't happy with the difference between the figure and the animation model. None the less this figure is highly sought after by many collectors to this day and after I picked him up I can see why.

Buttons McBoomBoom comes with his trademark red fedora hat, a cap firing tommy gun and a large musical instrument case to carry his gun. 

Hidden behind the suit flap on his chest is a smaller set of guns that folds down and out. Sadly this flap has lost most of it's tension on my specimen and won't stay closed...which I believe is a common flaw with this figure. Behind this suit flap is a very intricately detailed cavity filled with circuits. I loved the fact that even when Buttons was unarmed, he was still armed!

I had very few Cops 'n Crooks figures as a kid growing up, but I remember them fondly. While I found the figures (and vehicles) to be fun toys, this is one on those lines where the animated show was far better than the toys they were essentially advertising for.


  1. I remember buying this for my 5 year old nephew, secretly wanting it for myself lol. I can't imagine a show like COPS would go over well in today's climate but I'd love to see a remake anyways. A COPS movie would be insane!

    1. I had to track down the whole series on DVD. You're right though, this and many other cartoons (Inhumanoids) I grew up would not fly in today's culture.

  2. Neat! I loved the show as a kid, but toy-wise, only ever had Bowser and Rock Krusher. It's funny too, because Krusher was probably my favorite non G.I. Joe figure, and therefor became a good guy during play.

    1. I won a few COPS 'n Crooks toys at a Charlotte Hornets NBA event when I was a kid...those were my first exposure to the toys. I didn't like that the figures were larger than my GI Joes and ultimately chose to enjoy the cartoon over the toys.

  3. I love this guy! He was one of the first figures I reviewed when I started doing online toy reviews. I got him in my Easter basket as a kid. This was a fantastic line but I agree with Big Tone in that it's doubtful we'll see a revival of this property anytime soon due to the current political climate and issues of police violence. The figures were so well designed, though, and it was such a fun concept.

    1. You have a toy blog that I didn't have on my blog roll? Well I'll have to get that updated! What part of NC are you from, I'm originally from Charlotte.

    2. I'm in Cleveland County, so not far from Charlotte.

  4. Had to look this line of figures up. Looks like they were released when I was in high school, which explains why I don't remember them at all. The guitar case and gun is a pretty cool accessory though.

    1. IMO, the cartoon was better than the toys, but some of the figures and vehicles did have cool designs and fun play features.
