
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beast Saga: Dorufan BS-08

When the first solicitation shots were posted online for Beast Saga, I and I'm sure others figured the dolphin creature to be one of the good guys.  Wrong.  Don't let his gentle, innocent appearance food you as he is a member of the Kingdom of Death Sea!

BS-08 Dorufan photo 100_5271_zpsd05d1d44.jpg

Compared to the characters that were packaged in the Kingdom of Death Sea 3 pack, Dorufan looks like a pushover!  This is another release I was a little slow to picking up and if I'm honest probably would have skipped over completely had I not been going for a complete set.

BS-08 Dorufan photo 100_5273_zps101587cd.jpg

BS-08 Dorufan photo 100_5274_zps1e649af8.jpg

Adorable, isn't he?  Or is he?  The longer I look at his face the more I can make out a small and slight evil grin.  He may not be the fiercest member in his kingdom, but he belongs there.

BS-08 Dorufan photo 100_5272_zpsc5dde218.jpg

So does this guy now make you reconsider swimming w/ the dolphins next time you visit the Caribbean?


  1. I still need to pick a couple of these up.

    1. Check Amazon John, the prices on a lot of these are dropping!

  2. I never seen these over my end. A good info.
