
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beast Saga: Bamed BS-09

Before the Land of Sky 3 pack was released, only a few aerial members made it to the market in single package form.  One of the first was Bamed.  Not sure how to pronounce that, but I've also seen it spelled as Bamet.  Either way what we have is a basically an armored sparrow.

BS-09 Bamed photo 100_5331_zpsa584f1f4.jpg

You can see the green on the packaging (and one of the dice) signifying the kingdom he belongs to.  I gotta admit that this guy was low on my priority list and I wasn't even sure if I'd pick him up at all.  After all, armored lions, manta rays and other creatures were just more appealing.  After I decided to make a run at the whole line I broke down and picked him at the tail end of my completing the line.

BS-09 Bamed photo 100_5333_zpscce6c56f.jpg

BS-09 Bamed photo 100_5334_zps4da1e9aa.jpg

Once I got Bamed out of the package I started to like the figure more and more.  Like all the figures, the level of detail to the animal bits is fantastic.  The armor too has some great detail, but the flash of the camera washed some of that out...sorry.  His weapons are reused from previous releases, which was kind of a disappointment, but overall a nice looking figure.

BS-09 Bamed photo 100_5332_zpsa4eae473.jpg

Some of the later aerial creatures ended up more appealing to me, but I'm glad I decided to pick up Bamed after all.  The Sky Kingdom only received 8 total characters so they are by far the smallest of the 3 Kingdoms.  It makes sense to pick him up if for no other reason to bolster the Sky Kingdom's ranks.

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