
Thursday, June 20, 2013

I've exceeded my bandwidth limits!

Since I'm a novice blogger using bare bones software, I've been using Photobucket to edit and host just about all the pictures you see here on this blog.  I'm cheap so I use the free account.  Problem with that is I only have so much bandwidth per month.  I've already done so many posts this month and had so many views that I've gone over my limit....hence the pictures not showing up.  Photobucket says my bandwidth limits will reset in 10 days (June 30th?) so for now I'm going to postpone a few scheduled posts until next month.  I may pony up the cash for the next level up that gives me unlimited bandwidth (and more than double the storage capacity), but for now this will have to do.  Sorry guys!


  1. dude, since you are using blogspot, you can upload images onto blogspot (aka Google) when you are writing your post - these are 100% free (as of now at least).

    Arkvander has always been using this method.

    Last year, when my external photo-hosting service died, I had to painfully download and then upload onto blogspot 6500+ photos. It's all done now and as you can see from my blog, there does not seem to be an upper limit to photos you can upload onto blogspot.

    Try it out.

    1. I've used Blogger's hosting services with some posts, but I like being able to use the HTML edit feature that Photobucket allows. However I may have to switch over. Not sure if I'll devote the time to change everything over like you did. This is the first time I've exceeded my bandwidth. I must be gaining in popularity!

  2. I haven't used PB in awhile. These days I've been using the software that came with my scanner to edit my photos and then I just directly upload them to blogger... avoiding PB altogether.

    1. My Lexmark scanner sucks. I can barely crop photos using that software, that's one of the reasons I like using PB. I may just upload the photos, edit them and then save them back to my HD and use Blogger's hosting ability going forward.
