
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

Its been awhile since I've gotten some really cool stuff for my birthday. I guess when you're getting closer and closer to 40 you just can't expect to get toys anymore on your special day.

This year however things were different.  Not only did I get some baseball cards, but I finally got New Super Brothers U for the Wii U...and today Transformers Beast Hunters Shockwave is finally going home with me!  Yes, growing older has finally paid off!


  1. SMBWiiU is great fun - I highly recommend downloading the Luigi expansion (20 buck download) after you beat the makes it much, much more challenging (in a good way though I'm only on world 2 in the new game).

  2. Happy birthday and may the flow of toys be at your favor.

  3. Happy birthday! Looks like you got some great presents!

  4. Happy Birthday! That Shockwave looks amazing!
