
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day haul

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  I got the chance to go on a date w/ my wife and spend some great time w/ my two little girls.

My wife and I had some time to ourselves this weekend as well as my mom kept the girls overnight.  First time we've been away from both of them at the same time and while we missed them, it was nice having a chance to do...well whatever we wanted!

 In addition to dinner we had a chance to hit a few stores and not feel rushed.  I was able to peruse GameStop while my wife went shopping for clothes.  I'm not a big fan of GameStop for many reasons, but I get free gift cards for filling out surveys online.  That said I had a few bucks left so I dropped on in.  I really didn't figure I'd find anything, but several things caught my eye.  Since I had lots of time to look I browsed just about every section.  In the Wii section I noticed a few used games were marked pretty $4.99 cheap.  One of these games was Rygar: The Battle of Argus.  I was big fan of the PS2 version of Rygar and I figured this would be a fun play through again w/ the Wii controls.  Plus combined w/ my membership card and gift card I only had to toss in a buck from my pocket to make the purchase.

A lot of stores were sticking to the street date of the 28th for the new G.I. Joe Retaliation toys so I didn't find anything until today.  While my wife hit Old Navy I hit a Super Target and found a few new Joe toys.  I'm not buying nearly as many toys these days - especially Joes, but a few of the Cobra items piqued my interest once I saw the promo pics online awhile back.  Plus w/ the movie being pushed back to March 2013 and the rumor about Hasbro asking retailers to return their toy stock of Retaliation toys I figured if I want 'em I better grab 'em while I can.  So I grabbed the Cobra Fangboat, a Red Ninja and Cobra Trooper.  Expect to see reviews of all of these at some point in the near future.

Lastly I made a "emergency" trip to Walmart this evening to grab some dry cat food.  I had previously bought some food from Walmart that was a $1.50 a bag...and my cat wouldn't eat it.  I left it in his feeder dish for several days and I don't think he touched it.  I felt bad so I grabbed a bag of food for him this evening since I forgot to earlier today.  This Walmart had finished up their new reset in the action figure aisle and I saw a shopping cart of trash and broken down boxes.  In the cart was this small Transformers KRE-O signage.  I looked around for an employee to ask if I could take it.  Shockingly there wasn't an employee around - so I took it.  Held it in my hand as I grabbed my wallet to pay for the cat food...cashier never said a thing.  Not quite sure what I'm going to do w/ it yet, but I've amassed a small collection of Transformers promotional pieces now.

All in all it was a great weekend.  Thankfully it'll make for a short work week - especially for me since I'm calling it a day early on Friday so my wife doesn't have to spend her 30th birthday all alone.

1 comment:

  1. Just did an "emergency" pick up of some minimates tonight. Saw the Retaliation figs on the shelf but passed em up, hope it doesn't come back to haunt me. haha. My wife's such a good sport, she's turning 30 next week as well! Score on the Kre-O signage, btw.
