
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An encounter w/ Don Figueroa...kind of

While doing some e-mail cleaning up this evening I ran across a message I saved dating back to October 18, 2003 (thanks Yahoo!).  Earlier that year I had sold my MIB Brave Red Guist toy.  If you aren't familiar with that toy it was a nice red redeco of the Transformers Breastforce leader Deszaras/Deathasaurus.  I sold it on eBay for something like $300.  This was before PayPal...or least for me so when the buyer contacted me it was none other than Don Figueroa!  Don was currently drawing the Armada comic for Dreamwave.  I'm not sure how the conversation arose, but I asked for a sketch of Red Guist and this is what he sent over.

Nice, huh?  I believe this artwork was later used in Dreamwave's More Than Meets the Eye profile books.  I guess technically this is Deszaras and not Red Guist, but who cares.  I guess I was a little "star struck" at the moment.  Anyhow just a little story I wanted to share as I forgot about the whole instance until I saw the e-mail again.


  1. That's pretty awesome. I love Figueroa's art!

  2. Wow, that is very pretty. I like Don's art (what it used to be) a lot. Not so much a fan of the more recent works though.

  3. Don's always been a good guy. When the Dreamwave boards were around, I noticed him online and asked him if he'd let me do an interview with him for my crappy little website I had back then. He actually agreed! If I can find the interview on my computer somewhere, I'll have to post it again. His art was always great before he tried the movie-verse stuff.
