
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Nonnef Productions: Transformers Legacy Crankcase Upgrade Kit

I've not been one that has felt the need necessarily to purchase many upgrade kits for my Transformers figures, but when I saw that Nonnef Productions was releasing a kit for Legacy Crankcase I was excited. I thought Hasbro did a pretty good job with the figure, but what made the original G1 toy so special was it's Triggercon gimmick. While this upgrade kit isn't adding spring loaded weapons that flip out, it does give you the look of the original toy, with a modern flair of course.

The kit contains two blue guns, two pegs, two arms, two thigh filler pieces and a set of silver hubcaps. The guns are also available in black if you prefer. 

On the original G1 figure, the guns were embedded into the roof of the car when not deployed. With this upgrade kit attached the guns can be folded back, but obviously are not embedded. You can rotate these forward however to have the same look of the guns deployed on the G1 toy.

The other included part for vehicle mode is a set of 4 silver hubcaps. The front two simply peg into the wheel posts, where as the back two are attached via small glue dots which were also included. All of these parts were easy to assemble and install.

Hasbro did add a small set of faux shoulder mounted blasters to Crankcase, however they were small and just didn't give the same effect as the original G1 toy. Once you've installed this upgrade kit you can simply fold these guns down so they aren't in view.

Once installed you now have a pair of proper shoulder mounted guns that you can fold up and down depending on what look you are trying to pull off. When not deployed, they do hang off the "backpack" of the figure...which does add a little bit of extra weight. I already felt this toy was already a little back heavy, so just be sure to position the legs/feet in a manner to support the weight on the back of the figure, especially if you don't have the guns deployed forward.

The last included piece are two blue thigh fillers. These simply plug into the hollow cavity on the inside of the thighs. I don't usually bother with buying simple kits that only fill in gaps like this, but since it was included with this set I'll gladly add them to the figure.

Overall I felt this was a worthy purchase and a fun and easy upgrade kit to add to Crankcase. I've bought a few kits from Nonnef Productions in the past and they always do great work. Priced at just $8.99, I feel this set really "transforms" Crankcase and makes an already great figure even better. Be sure to check out their site for more awesome kits they have available.

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