
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Jurassic World: Dominion - Dimetrodon (Extreme Damage)


I don't know what it is about this Extreme Damage subline of the new Jurassic World Dominion line, but I love them! This new Dimetrodon mold is excellent and one of the first of the new toys that I saw at retail.

Most toy manufacturers have become more consciences of the environment and with this more and more plastic is being removed. This is the case with the smaller assortment of Extreme Damage dinos, with the whole toy basically being exposed. This does however give you a great up close look at the figure and if you're like me, you can easily inspect all the figures hanging on the pegs to pick out the one you think has the cleanest paint apps.  

The back of the box showcases the toy and the DNA chip feature. In the lower left corner is a small cross sell of other small dinosaurs included in this first wave. At least one of these will get a future post.

When I first laid eyes on this toy I was impressed and I was equally impressed by the time I got him out of the packaging. I've always like the Dimetrodon for some reason and this is a great representation. The body is cast in a dark lime green with beige used for the lower jaw. Dark brown paint apps highlight the dino's back along the sides of the red fin. Speaking of the fin, it too has some dark paint app deco.

In the articulation department, you have limited movement, but enough for a toy this size. The head is able to move side to side and up and down a bit. The lower jaw is able to move as well. All four limbs have a good range of motion as well.

The right side features three tear marks in the dino's skin that showcases the Extreme Damage gimmick, while the left side features two tear marks.

The DNA chip on this toy is cleverly hidden inside the fin. The rear section has a portion that pulls up to reveal the chip. If you've not downloaded the free Jurassic World app, I have to admit it's pretty cool. I've had fun just locating the DNA chip on various toys in the store and scanning them.

Here's a quick screen capture of the app for the Dimetrodon. Once the DNA chip is scanned, it adds the dinosaur to your collection. Here you can manipulate the camera to get a good look at the animated beast. You can also use augmented reality to put the dino in your own world. The videos tab will give you video clips of the dino from some sort of media, whether it be a clip from one of the Jurassic Park or Jurassic World movies or even from some of the animated shows. There is also a game you can play where you try to capture the's rather primitive, but I've found myself playing it on more than one occassion.

Right above the section of the fin that pulls out revealing the DNA chip is a small portion that acts as the trigger for the damage effect gimmick. Pulling this section activates the rotating damage from a matching green skin color to a bright red color that mimics bloody damage. It's a rather simply gimmick, but one I find decidingly fun to mess with.

The Dimetrodon toy is exclusive to Walmart stores, as is the rest of the Extreme Damage subline. It retails for about $11 so it won't set you back too much in my opinion. I think it's a great toy with a fun gimmick and I look forward to more Dimetrodon toys making their appearance in the future. 


  1. Wow. That is a sharp looking dinosaur.

  2. Love this line of figures. Good figure. Great value.
