
Saturday, April 2, 2022

WWE Elite Collection WrestleMania Series (2022): Bret "Hit Man" Hart


Just in time for WrestleMania this weekend comes the annual Elite Collection WrestleMania series. The series features three hall of famers and a future HOFer. Each figure comes with a build-a-figure piece to build a tuxedo clad Vince McMahon.

We'll start off this series of posts with Bret "Hit Man" Hart. This particular version of the Bret is the WrestleMania XXVI where he went up against the boss himself, Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

The packaging for these WrestleMania figures mimics the regular Elite Collection, but mixes in the WrestleMania 38 logo...that unfortunately incorporates the Dallas Cowboys star. The back of the packaging lists some of Shawn's career highlights, including the aforementioned WrestleMania XXVI.

Growing up a WCW fan it was exciting when another WWE legend jumped shipped and joined "the other company". However I was never attached to Bret so I wasn't expecting much going into opening this figure. I generally don't care for cloth clothing/accessories, however this one isn't too bad. I love the printed design on the front and it fits the figure pretty well. The Velcro strip along the backside holds together well and the shirt is easily removable. I'm not a fan of wrestler figures that aren't in their gear as the jean shorts here, while appropriate for the character, just don't look that great in plastic form.

I'm not digging the face. It looks derpy. I don't know what other word to use here. I mean, I guess it kinda resembles Bret...maybe? The only good take away here is the's sculpted well.

As I mentioned earlier, the cloth shirt is removable, but after doing so I wished I had not! Maybe this is why Bret wrestled in a shirt/jersey in his later years?! Like with most modern Elite Collection figures, Bret features all the articulation that you'd expect. The elbow pads do restrict the articulation a bit, but the pads are made from a softer, thinner plastic so you can move them to a certain extent. 

The included Vince McMahon build-a-figure parts are the legs. I'm pretty sure these are the exact same legs that were used for the Royal Rumble series Build-A-Figure, Jimmy Hart.

This is a decent figure, however I'm not sure this is one that I'll want to keep in my collection. So far this is the weakest figure in the series in my own opinion. I've yet to see this series at local retail, but I would imagine they'll sell fairly well, I mean doesn't everyone want a throw back announcer Vince McMahon figure in their collection?


  1. If I was going to start a wrestling figure collection and put it on display... I'd definitely want to own a McMahon figure.

    1. It's a pretty good figure...good enough to make me want to buy the entire series.
