
Sunday, April 11, 2021

American Gladiators: Zap


American Gladiators was a game show on ABC that debuted and 1989 and lasted for 7 seasons. While I loved watching the show as a kid, never did I wish for toys of the Gladiators. However Mattel did make a series of toys including playsets. I have no idea how I ended up with this figure, but I thought before it went into the donate pile, I'd snap a few quick pictures and create a here we are!

The red blister card has an image of the Gladiator, Zap in this instance, along with a large American Gladiators logo. The figure and the jousting accessories are clearly shown behind the detached bubble. You can see the bubble has yellowed due to it's age (and probably the way it was stored all these years).

The back of the card features a cross sell of the other figures and playsets produced. The only set that looks remotely interesting to me is the Gladiator Assault...that was always my favorite "game" from the show.

I can't imagine this line sold very well...just look at this figure. I never thought Zap was all that attractive Gladiator, but this toy does not help her case. The face sculpt is horrible and with almost zero articulation the figure is stuck in this awkward squat position and to top it off the plastic used leaves a lot to be desired.

One you gear up the figure it's not much better. Granted the figure holds the jousting stick OK, how much fun you really have with this figure? I don't know, maybe back in 1991 when this figure was released it was more relevant and kids had fun with these, but I just don't see the appeal.


  1. Assault was my favorite too! Loved the competition, the hyped rivalries between Gladiator and contestant, not so much.

    You did get a name though...better than "Red Contestant"!

  2. It's funny how people can view things so differently from each other, because I really love this figure! I had actually forgotten all about this line, but will go look them up now. They probably would've been the sh*ts for play purposes, but I think they'd display nicely, especially if one has any other AG ephemera to put with them.

    1. I like some odd, weird stuff so I'm not going to knock those that like these AG figures, but for me they have zero draw. I don't believe I have this figure anymore, but if I do I'll send it to you!
