
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Transformers Cyberverse: Repugnus (One Step)

When I heard my favorite Monsterbot from Generation One was getting the Cyberverse treatment I was elated. Rarely has this character been given the proper treatment in toy form. He got a decent upgrade in the Titans Return line and even a small PVC figure in the Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans line, but none of these really scratched that itch that I had. Will this new One Step toy satisfy me? Read on.

It's been awhile since I've purchased one of the One Step Transformer toys. My first exposure to the simplified toys was met with a little disappointment. I know that these toys aren't aim at a 40 something guy like myself, but I was really underwhelmed. For that reason alone I was a little reluctant at buying Repugnus, but he hasn't exactly been an easy find so when I did I went ahead and grabbed him and hoped for the best.

Packaging is pretty nice as its an open blister card with the toy partially exposed. The toy looks small and that's in part to the toy being hunched over to fit in the blister. The back of the packaging shows the one step transformation and Repugnus' robot mode.

Let me say that I absolutely love the chibi look of Repugnus. I'm amazed at how well they were able to capture is G1 likeness...well minus his height! His arms are full articulated at the shoulder and elbow. His pinchers also can retract in and out in a "chomping" motion. My only gripe, and it's a small one is that you can see the backside (hollow) robot legs on the back of Repugnus while in beast mode.

Alongside his Titan Master self
Alongside his Titan Master self

Transformation is literally just one step and that's unfolding Repugnus. In robot mode he retains (most of) his G1 look, including his red and yellow color scheme. Even his robot head is pretty faithful to the source material. His original G1 toy while in robot mode did not have exposed claws on his hands, but I don't mind that they are still there on this version. With the ball joint at the elbow you can rotate his forearms to expose either the robot fists or turn side ways where he has claw hands. Speaking of the ball jointed elbow, the only other articulation this figure features is in the shoulders. The beast legs hang off the back creating a kibbly backpack. This does make the figure a little top heavy. During my photoshoot Repugnus did fall over a few times. Thankfully his legs are already angled outwards and his feet are a decent size. Being a One Step figure it really lacks some needed paint applications. At least they did manage to tampograph an Autobot faction symbol on his chest. The only thing left to improve his look is for someone to make a rifle for him. Cuing Nonnef Productions!!

Repugnus stands just a tad shy in the height department versus a regular Cyberverse deluxe class figure, as you can see here with Hammerbyte. While I don't have the few Cyberverse toys I own on display, I'm glad he melds well with the other figures under the same banner.

Overall I'm very impressed with this figure. Not only does it stroke that G1 nostalgia factor for me, it's just a well executed figure. He's hefty and has some substance, unlike some of the other One Step figures I've seen in the Cyberverse line. I'm still surprised this figure was included in line and I hope others are able to experience how much fun this figure is.


  1. I just purchased this very kool Autobot...Of course, it's not up to par with the more detailed TransFormers, but I knew I had to have it upon sight. Funny you mentioned HammerByte too, I picked him up today as well. Enjoyed your review.

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog and for your comment.
