
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Transformers Cyberverse: Starscream

The Decepticon Starscream was given a makeover of sorts for the new "Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures" series. Since I haven't really followed either the animated series or the toy line I don't recall seeing his new form before I found to the toy hanging on the pegs at my local Walmart.


Starscream is part of the new subseries of Transformers Cyberverse and as such sport the new logo. The left side of the package still features a vertical yellow strip with the Transformers name in large black blog letters. A large Transformers faction symbol adorns the top left corner. The back of the blister card shows Starscream in both modes and touches on his "Starseeker Missile " play gimmick. At least one of his wave mates is the autobot hammerhead shark, Hammerbyte. 

I absolutely love the look of this version of Starscream. He has had his fair share of looks over the years in various Transformers series', but I think this one ranks as one of the best. I do wish his arm cannons were the same opaque gray plastic as the majority of his body, but the overall look is great. He has ball jointed shoulders, hips and head, allowing for a full 360 degree rotation. His elbows and knees are on hinge joints. 

On the back side of Starscream's wings you can see another set of wings folded up...this gives a hint as to how his new jet mode looks. The jet cockpit hangs off his back, but is movable. This unlocks his play gimmick when lifted up, but you can leave it in the middle (as pictured) or lower it. Problem with lowering it is you'll see the nose of the jet between his legs. There are a few hollow areas on the figure that will bother some fans, however by now we should be used to that cost cutting measure by Hasbro. The feet are wide enough that it gives the figure good support in robot mode.

While I forgot to the take a picture of his "Starseeker Missile" attack mode, this is activated by pushing up on the jet canopy on his back. This will make his arm cannons spring forward in extended fashion.

Transformation from robot to jet is done in just 5 steps, but I found the transformation to be fun. I like how his legs fold up and over the top of the jet instead of just being tucked in underneath. You would think this would make for a bulky jet mode, but it works amazingly well. I love the look of both the front and rear of the best looking Starscream jet modes I've seen in awhile.

Starscream makes the 5th Warrior Class Cyberverse Transformer I've bought so far and I feel as if he blends in well with some of the previous toys, such as Shockwave. 

The Cyberverse line isn't for everyone, however if you can look past some of the simplistic designs and transformations I believe you'll find some fun Transformer toys.


  1. I was never a fan of the Starscream character (too whiny)... but I loved the original toy. I just can't get into most of these newer lines that do makeovers with the old school characters. A lot are way too cartoonish... but I gotta admit this one isn't too bad.

  2. This is the kind of redesign I love seeing. It is reminiscent of the original model but looks both modern and makes sense as a more alien vehicle without being ridiculous. For the shortcomings this figure has like hollow parts, a very blatant gimmick, and some minor flaws in articulation, I would love to pick this up just to support this specific kind of toy.

    I have a strange affinity for the Beast Machines Basics, and somethign about this makes me think of those. Goofy or not, they were great TOYS.

    1. I loved many of the basic sized toys from Beast Wars and Beast Machines as well. The Deployers from BM were a lot of fun!

  3. I keep waffling on any new transformers. It only takes one and then you've got 20. But man these are great.

    1. I hear you!! I try really hard to not buy something just for review fodder and stick with the things that I like...but it's tough. Thanks for dropping by!
