
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Transformers Cyberverse: Starscream

The Decepticon Starscream was given a makeover of sorts for the new "Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures" series. Since I haven't really followed either the animated series or the toy line I don't recall seeing his new form before I found to the toy hanging on the pegs at my local Walmart.


Starscream is part of the new subseries of Transformers Cyberverse and as such sport the new logo. The left side of the package still features a vertical yellow strip with the Transformers name in large black blog letters. A large Transformers faction symbol adorns the top left corner. The back of the blister card shows Starscream in both modes and touches on his "Starseeker Missile " play gimmick. At least one of his wave mates is the autobot hammerhead shark, Hammerbyte. 

I absolutely love the look of this version of Starscream. He has had his fair share of looks over the years in various Transformers series', but I think this one ranks as one of the best. I do wish his arm cannons were the same opaque gray plastic as the majority of his body, but the overall look is great. He has ball jointed shoulders, hips and head, allowing for a full 360 degree rotation. His elbows and knees are on hinge joints. 

On the back side of Starscream's wings you can see another set of wings folded up...this gives a hint as to how his new jet mode looks. The jet cockpit hangs off his back, but is movable. This unlocks his play gimmick when lifted up, but you can leave it in the middle (as pictured) or lower it. Problem with lowering it is you'll see the nose of the jet between his legs. There are a few hollow areas on the figure that will bother some fans, however by now we should be used to that cost cutting measure by Hasbro. The feet are wide enough that it gives the figure good support in robot mode.

While I forgot to the take a picture of his "Starseeker Missile" attack mode, this is activated by pushing up on the jet canopy on his back. This will make his arm cannons spring forward in extended fashion.

Transformation from robot to jet is done in just 5 steps, but I found the transformation to be fun. I like how his legs fold up and over the top of the jet instead of just being tucked in underneath. You would think this would make for a bulky jet mode, but it works amazingly well. I love the look of both the front and rear of the best looking Starscream jet modes I've seen in awhile.

Starscream makes the 5th Warrior Class Cyberverse Transformer I've bought so far and I feel as if he blends in well with some of the previous toys, such as Shockwave. 

The Cyberverse line isn't for everyone, however if you can look past some of the simplistic designs and transformations I believe you'll find some fun Transformer toys.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Transformers Cyberverse: Hammerbyte

I have to admit, both the Transformers Cyberverse toy line and cartoon are not meant for me...however when I saw the first images of Hammerbyte on the web I knew resisting him would be tough. It's not that often we are treated to a transforming shark afterall!

Hammerbyte is part of the next wave of Warrior class figures in the Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures line. If you aren't familiar with the Warrior class of figures, these characters have some sort of attack gimmick integrated into the figure. While my experience with these figures has been limited, I haven't cared too much for the gimmicks as they have either hindered the transformation or the overall look of the robot. Thundercracker comes to mind as a Warrior class toy where the gimmick ruins the figure. Hammerbyte has a "rip thrash" attack gimmick...which isn't that bad. More on that later.

I like the new packaging for this class of figure. It retains some of the original Cyberverse packaging with the bold yellow strip down the left side of the blister card. A large colorful faction symbol still remains in the upper left corner. The back of the blister shows the figure in both modes and lets you know how many steps the transformation process is. In this case Hammerbyte goes from shark to robot (and vice versa) in just 9 steps.

Right out of the package I was knew I was going to enjoy this figure. The light and dark blues reminds me of the old G1 Autobot, Whirl. Hammerbyte also is sporting a cool yellow trident like headcreast. I like how the shark's lower jaw is integrated into the chest of the robot.

The back of the figure is a little kibblish with the shark head hanging off the upper back. The tail fin of the shark also sticks out from the left leg a bit. Neither of these were to obtrusive for my taste and thankfully don't make the figure too back heavy.

The figure sports ball joints in the shoulders, elbows and hips. The knees are hinge joints. The head sadly doesn't move at all. The left arm when raised to a certain level will active the "rip thrash" gimmick, flipping the spring loaded shark head up off the back and over his head.

After watching someone's video review of this toy I realized that the lower shark jaw is supposed to be brought up and closer to the shark head in this mode. Oops.

While this may look a little silly, it's actually a lot of fun. I found it a little annoying sometimes when the shark head would spring forward at the smallest movement of his arm, but once you figure out where that point is you can move and pose the figure with ease.

Transformation from robot to shark is rather easy and is completed in just 9 steps. I know that alone will put off some Transformer fans, but I don't mind a straight forward transformation. The hammerhead shark head has a great sculpt and the metallic dark blue paint looks fantastic. The body of the shark is a little chunky for my tastes, but I can live with it. I do wish there was another Autobot symbol on the other side. There is a slight curvature to the body of the shark that allows it to sit semi-flush on a hard, smooth surface. Part of this from what I can tell is due to the legs/feet of the robot.

Walmart stores have recently dropped the price of Cyberverse Warrior class figures to $11 and some change and I feel this is a fair price for what you get. Yes the figure has hollow inner arms and legs, limited paint apps, articulation and an easy transformation, but it's a fun toy. I don't always need my Transformers to be "adult collectibles"...sometimes I just want to fiddle with a fun toy and Hammerbyte fills that desire.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Hot Wheels: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection

A few weeks ago while traveling for work I stopped in a Walmart with the hopes of finding the "new" Masters of the WWE figures or perhaps even some of the new Transformers Earthrise figures. While my quest for either of those was null and void, I did manage to come across a collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed Hot Wheels. I had not seen these before and with the cars being based on the classic animation design I found it hard not to pay them attention. I looked through the sparsely populated pegs and was able to piece together an entire set of 5 vehicles. Had I been able to find a second set I probably would have bought them so I could leave a set intact as the packaging is "totally rad!"

I find it difficult to review a Hot Wheels vehicle so instead of me rambling on and on, I'm just going to leave you with pictures of each vehicle. I hope you enjoy.

Leonardo - #1 Rogue Hog

Michaelangelo - #2 Midnight Otto

Donatello - #3 Rrroadster

Raphael - #4 The Vanster

#05 Surfin' School Bus

Personally I believe these to be some of the nicer licensed property themed sets I've seen released in the Hot Wheels banner in some time. I believe they were priced at $1.27 each. Since I found these I've only seen one individual TMNT vehicle at Walmart. Have you seen these in your area? If so, please comment below.