
Monday, April 1, 2019


Over the last few years the activity on this blog has taken a back seat to many things, but life in general. As a result I've noticed my readership drop off tremendously and I get it. Only one or two new posts per month doesn't give people the content that can be found on other social media type outlets. While I may never recover to the point where this blog once was, I've decided to re-dedicate myself (as much as I can) to producing more new content for this blog, more frequently.

Much of what I've been working on behind the scenes isn't new necessarily, but it'll be new to the blog. I've still got TONS of pictures that I took of Transformers and other various toys that I just sat on. I've been digging these out, cleaning them up and will start posting some new reviews/articles very soon. I'm not going for quantity over quality, but I do want to pump out more than I've been doing.

Of course there will be some hiccups along the way. Work, life, other hobbies, but this is something that I enjoy doing and I even like looking back on my own stuff I've posted in the past. If you're one of the few readers that have stuck around and still check the blog every once in awhile, thank you. If you're new to the blog, thank you.

Look for new posts of older toys and some new stuff sprinkled in as I look to get this blog kick started once again.

P.S. - This is NOT an April's Fools joke either!


  1. Kick start away! I don't have a lot of toys (outside of Legos), but I do enjoy reading about them.

    1. ...and I appreciate you dropping by the blog Fuji...both of my blogs actually!

    2. Of course. If you write it, I'll read it. :)

  2. A lot of the blogs are suffering from dwindling viewers, so you're reduced traffic probably isn't from lack of posting, it's just a thing that's now happening.
