
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

New Comic Wednesday - 02/06/19

I haven't kept up with these New Comic Wednesday posts like I would have liked, but between with my work and travel schedule and home life I fell behind. However fear not as I'm back w/ some new books!

Only 3 new books for me this week - would've been 4, but my LCS didn't have one of them. None the less, I still left with some nice books.

I started reading Daredevil (again) during Marvel's Legacy campaign...which I missed a few issues along the way. I was curious to see what was going to end up to Matt since I heard they were killing off his character...then he immediately came back and of course that led to another #1 issue. I do admit I was on the fence, but this beautiful Humberto Ramos variant reeled me in. Normally I don't go for the variants that have nothing to do w/ the book, but this one was too sweet to pass up.

Finally the weekly Uncanny X-Men issues are over! I'm a few issues behind on this title, but it's been fun reading something other than Spider-Man or Avengers related characters again. I went for another one of the Skrulls variants just because I thought it was the best cover I had to choose from. My LCS has the Rob Liefeld Wolverine variant...but it's Liefeld!

During my heyday of reading the X titles I got to witness the epic Age of Apocalypse and Onslaught stories. I loved both and kept reading the X-Man title for awhile after the big crossover stories. I've missed A LOT of stories and stuff since then so I'm really out of the loop, but this Age of X-Man story was enough to keep me reading. This variant of Storm seems to be pretty popular at the moment so I'm glad I was able to grab it.

I also flipped through a box or two of their dollar stock and I was psyched to find 4 books from the the first volume of Captain America. Check out these awesome Mike Zeck covers too.

That's it for now. Until next time...


  1. That Daredevil cover you opened with is fantastic!

    1. Humberto Ramos is one of my favorite it's hard to turn down his work. I am hoping the actual story in Daredevil is good as well. If not, well at least I got a freakin' sweet cover!
