
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Comic Book Show Haul

This has been a busy summer for me with work, hence the lack of new content on this blog and most of my others as well. However I'm still out there collecting the things that bring me joy and this includes comics. A few weekends ago I attended my old LCS' quarterly show up in Concord, NC with my older brother. I hadn't planned to go as I was all tapped out of expendable funds, but I guess my brother was eager to hang out with me so he offered me 20 bucks, no strings attached to go. How could I turn down that offer? Seeing how I was essentially spending my someone else's money I found myself being a little more picky with my purchases. Was it a coincidence that I had one of my most productive hauls?

I typically like to stick to the $.50 boxes at shows as I can still find a lot of what I'm looking for, but as I'm filling in holes in my various Spider-Man collections it's getting harder and harder to find books I still need in the cheap boxes. Thankfully I was able to find this issue of Web of Spider-Man for #7 for less than cover price!

Shortly before calling it a day, I came across a dealer that had a great sale going on, but didn't do a very good job advertising his sale. Any book that was marked $4 or less was $.50 and any book marked $5 to $8 was $2. At this point in the show I didn't have much of that 20 bucks left so I stuck to the $4 or less books and I couldn't believe some of the stuff I found. Most of the issues of Amazing Spider-Man I lack I won't find for cheap...but on this day at least I was able to score several books I needed.

Before I collected Spider-Man, I was all about Captain America. I've got a very nice run of the first volume, but anytime I can find Bronze age issues of Cap in my price range I'll bite. Aren't these Mike Zeck covers so good? And for $.50 each too!

I've only recently started to go back and build up my Bronze age Iron Man collection so I was thrilled to find some earlier issues, especially for $.50 each!

I've found myself piecing together small runs of Daredevil as well, especially when John Romita, Jr. was handling the art. I found a few other issues, but elected to grab more books of Spider-Man, Captain America and Iron Man instead.

ROM is another title that I've been slowing building for years. I was able to find these two issues in those boxes on the floor, underneath the dealer's tables. I'm getting too old to go through those boxes on the floor, but I can usually good deals if my back and knees can hold out long enough!

The last book to round out this trip was an issue of Man-Thing. This character has always intrigued me and I've loved when he would appear in other books, but I've never bothered with his own title until recently. Earlier this summer at the annual Heroes Con that is held in my hometown of Charlotte, NC I was able to pick up issues 1-3 of Man-Thing. Seems pretty perfect I was able to find issue #4 next.

My older brother is the one responsible for getting me into comics so anytime we have a chance to hang out together and talk comics it's always a good time. Toss in some good deals and it just makes the time even better. 


  1. That's a great haul for $20! And I love Larsen's run on ASM. Especially those Punisher guest star issues.

    1. I was surprised to see that run of Erik Larson AMS so I was happy to snatch those up.

  2. Some of those covers are fantastic! My favorite would be The Amazing Spider-Man #350. Nice haul. Especially since it was essentially free.

    1. I was surprised to see the dealer only had $4 on #350 as most other dealers were asking for for it. Since it was marked $4, with the sale it was only $.50!

  3. I've never heard of someone getting paid to hang out with their brother before, seems like it worked out pretty well for you though!

    I've really been getting into the old Man-Thing books, so it's nice to see someone else picking them up as well. Of all your Spider-Man, that #7 Web Of is my favorite -- although when I was younger, I had a bunch of framed comics hanging on my wall (nothing special, just stuff that I liked looking at), and one of them just happened to be ASM #330.

  4. I think my brother remembered he never got me a birthday gift so that’s why he offered me the $20. Needless to say, I was happy to oblige.

  5. You know what I love about these older comics?That 80's scent that comes off the pages when you open them.Sounds strange I know.
