
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Transformers Titans Return: Ramhorn

One of the things I have liked about the current Transformers Prime Wars trilogy is that we've been given new versions of older Generation One characters, such as the Autobot Ramhorn. When the Titans Return line was still in it's infancy, we got a new Blaster with transforming "cassettes". I'm sure there were many that were hoping Ramhorn would get a new toy, but I don't think many of us envisioned him returning as Headmaster, er I mean Titanmaster.

Ramhorn proved to be very hard to find for many fans and collectors at local retail for quite a while. I found mine at an Aldi's grocery store of all places. Later on I did see him pop up at local Target and Walmart stores.

Like most Titan Masters, the small figure comes packaged with another smaller Transformer. In this case the "other" toy is a pretty faithful reproduction of the classic G1 character. The sculpt is fantastic and I love how the missile pods have been incorporated into the mold. The horn is large and vicious looking and his maroon color is spot on.

The Titan Master figure itself is pretty standard fare for the line. The paint apps for the most part are reserved for the "Headmaster" mode, though there is a touch of silver on the small Titanmaster head with metallic turquoise used for the eyes. It is rather interesting that the Titanmaster has a rhinoceros head. The larger head mode has a great look, however I'm guessing it's an original design as it doesn't look like any Transformer that I'm familiar with.

I should mention that the Titanmaster does fold up and fit in a compartment underneath Ramhorn.

Ramhorn can also transform in an armored tank mode. I really like this and find that it does add some play value to an already cool Transformer. If you look carefully at Ramhorn's legs you'll see that he has tank treads molded into the back of the legs. The Titanmaster firmly attaches to the top and is ready to blast and roll over some Decepticons.

If Ramhorn's tank mode wasn't enough for you, he's also a Targetmaster! Molded into the figure are small rocket pods. To me this mode looks more like a defensive weapon (a shield) than an offensive weapon, but hey, it's your imagination at work here.

Ramhorn is actually a retool of Shuffler, a Japanese only G1 Headmaster figure. Hasbro did a great job pulling off Ramhorn from this mold and while he may not be a pseudo-cassette like his Autobot brothers Eject and Rewind, he makes a great addition to your modern Transformers collection.

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