
Saturday, August 20, 2016

State of the Blog

I realize that it's been over a month since I've posted anything on the blog. Some of you may be wondering what's going on? There hasn't been a lapse this long in new content in quite some time. Like a lot of you I lead a busy life and sometimes life in general just keeps getting in the way of having a little fun. My job keeps me busy in the summer and even though I work from home some days I just haven't been able to sneak in a new review or post lately.

My office desk is in my "toy room" at home and over the last month or so I've been staring at the end wall to my left. There I had 3 cube shelves stacked on top of each other and to the left two large white book shelves. I never was happy w/ the overall look, but too lazy to do anything about it. Lately however I finally decided to use what small free time I had to liquidate some 3rd party TFs from the collection to help finance the purchase of some new Detolf cases from the local IKEA store.

I ended up purchasing four new cases and emptied and moved two cases I already owned. I've now lined the end wall of my room w/ six cases, all side by side. The first order of business was to properly display my G1 collection. I've been working on this for the last 2 weeks and while it's not 100% complete, it's getting there. I really hope to share more of what I've been working on and get back to sharing some great toys that I have, but for now here is a sample pic of the fruits of my labor.


  1. That's a really cool collection, and a nice display setup.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate it. Still not done though...this is just phase 1!

  2. A. Those displays look awesome!
    B. You're close to a complete G1 collection? AWESOME! Super jealous.

    1. I was going for a complete G1 collection at one point Fuji, but I've decided to just keep and buy what I like. This means the 3 of the 4 Deluxe Insections are getting booted from the collection as are most of the Action Masters. I intend on elaborating all of that in my next post...when I can find the time!

    2. Look forward to reading about it. That's a big part of my childhood.
