
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Masters of the Universe Classics: Stinkor

It's been awhile since I've done a Masters of the Universe related post so let me remedy that with today's topic, MOTU Classics Stinkor.

A part of the highly successful subscription figure service by Mattel, Stinkor finally got the Classics treatment. Before this figure he had his vintage release and a very nicely sculpted NECA release in the vein of the 200X series. Sculpted by the Four Horsemen, it was a very nice "staction figure". When it was time to include this smelly villain into the Classics series, he came with an alternate head so you could display the character with his vintage / Filmation cartoon likeness or his 200X / Mike Young Productions cartoon likeness. Personally I loved these small touches by Mattel.

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When I still owned my collection of MOTUC figures, I chose to display Stinkor with his newer sculpted head. No matter which head you decide to place on your figure the rest of his body has that classic look. From the armor that rises just above his nose and mouth, to his classic looking blue shield and blaster there is no mistake who this character is. The other small accessory was a mask that could be fit over the vintage's head's mouth and nose.

MOTU was notorious for using the same parts to create a vast number of characters and the same can be said with the Classics series. Here he has the recolored Mekanek's upper body armor, the traditional loin cloth waist and Skeletor's feet. Knock it if you want, but it works.

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I honestly can't remember if the vintage Stinkor toy came with a backpack like this, but I do remember seeing it on the NECA version. While the backpack could benefit greatly from some paint apps, I love the idea that he can control his own odor and use it as a weapon.

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New head sculpt

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"Vintage" head sculpt

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I loved the character design of Eternia's villains, but if I'm being honest I never cared for how the characters were fleshed out in the old Filmation animated series. I much preferred the characters overall in the Mike Young Productions animated series as they came across a little more serious and a potential threat the He-Man and the rest of the Masters of the Universe. For this reason I chose to buy and display the more modern appearance figures.

A quick completed auction search on eBay shows this figure loose is selling for $50+ while sealed specimens are selling for near $100! Wow, I guess I should have held onto my old collection.

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