
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Transformers Campaign Micron - Movie Advanced Series: Ivan

Over the years there have been plenty of exclusive Micron / Mini-Con toys released in both North America and in Japan. One of the last compaigns (that I'm aware of) using existing molds was from the summer of 2014. Free with the purchase of a certain amount of Transformers product at Toys 'R Us stores in Japan, Ivan, a orange translucent t-rex was made available.

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Ivan is part of the Saurian Strike Team with his partners Thunderlips and Paulie. Yes, those are official Transformers names. Why? I have no idea! If this mold looks familiar, well it should as it's been used several times before. It was first used as Terrorsaur in the Classics series, then as a Micron Booster toy as Gnashteeth and Chromebite. This mold was also released as Ransack in the Universe series and finally as Dualor for the Dark of the Moon series.

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There really isn't much to say about the toy at this point in time. It's one of the better Microns / Mini-Cons that has an animal alt mode in my opinion. By the time this campaign came out I had already sold 75% of my massive Micron / Mini-Con collection to TransformerLand, so I'm not really sure why I bought this. I'm not a fan of translucent toys in general, but there was something about this release that drew me in. Perhaps it's the orange translucent plastic or the fact that I paid $10 shipped for it. Whatever the reason it's an interesting release.

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Unless you are a die-hard fan of this mold, love translucent Transformers or collect any and every type of Micron / Mini-Con you can get your hands on, I'd suggest picking up one of the other versions of this figure.

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I just happened to have the Micron Booster Chromebite near by when Ivan originally showed up in my mailbox.

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