
Friday, October 2, 2015

My Daughters' Request

As my daughters have grown up (I started this blog a little before my first daughter was born) they have noticed more and more my love of toys. While I can't say they are a fan of Transformers like I am, they do love to come into my toy room and marvel over everything I have.

In the recent past my oldest daughter, Olivia, came into my room as I was finishing photographing some toys. She had just been given a new Frozen doll and asked if I'd take pictures of it like I do of my own toys. How could I turn her down?

Like most young girls, mine too have been fascinated by the Disney juggernaut know as Frozen. I believe this particular doll of Anna was released prior to the new Frozen animated short that was attached to the beginning of the live action Cinderella movie that was in theaters earlier this year.

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Olivia particularly liked her new Sunflower dress and absolutely loved the long ribbon in her hair. Much like many of her dolls however, the hair piece, accessories and clothes were quickly removed during playtime. Why they do this is beyond me.

And just in case you are wondering, no, this isn't the new direction of Random Toy Reviews! However I'm a daddy, a proud daddy at that and I found there to be nothing wrong with sharing one of my daughter's favorite toys with my readers. We'll get back to more manly actions figures with the next post!

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1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! My daughters have also worked their ways into my blog on occasion. My littlest would be very impressed by this Anna dolly!
