
Friday, August 21, 2015

You pick the next review!

You know those memes you see on Facebook and Twitter, the ones with the grown man crying with words such as "I have a job so I can collect toys", "I have a job so I can't enjoy my toys"? Well that sums up my last few months at work. Ever since I took a promotion I've noticed my free time has dwindled to almost nothing. When I do have a little free time, I either want to crash on the couch and watch TV or play my new Xbox One. Opening toys, photographing toys, blogging about just doesn't come first anymore.

And I don't like that feeling.

I need to change that. How? Heh, you tell me. However I got to thinking this afternoon when I got out of the office a little early and was surrounding my a sea of new, unopened Transformers in my hobby room at home, how on earth do I decide what to photograph first so I can actually open the toy? Is it my imported Transformers Adventures items? Or the Robots in Disguise stuff? 3rd Party figures? Or the random, non-TF items?

So I'm going to leave it up to the readers. In addition to choosing the next item I review, I'm also asking help getting this post out in front of as many fans/collectors/bloggers as possible. Please post, tweet, +1 this as much as you can on social media. I'd like to see several comments/votes on the next post.

What are your options you may ask? Well here are the candidates that I've chosen. All of these are items that I've acquired over the last 1-4 months and have just been sitting, unopened, waiting for me. Patiently.

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Instant Takara Tomy Transformers Adventures collection!

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Autobot RID Mini-Cons!

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Decepticon RID Mini-Cons!

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Combiner Wars

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More Takara Tomy stuff

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3rd Party

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Random non-TFs

So what's it going to be? What is your vote? I know I have a few things I'd like to tear into and share right off the bat. With my hectic work schedule I can't promise I'll have the winning item posted in a day or two, but I do want to make an effort to get some of these opened and photographed very soon so I can at least start to share some of these awesome figures.

So share away! Let your voice be heard! For once in the history of this blog, it won't be Random Toy Reviews because you are choosing the next toy review!!


  1. I don't know about everyone else, but I want to know about that non-TF triple changer...

    1. Me too! That sucker is sealed and I can't wait to see it in all it's garish glory first hand!

  2. I'd love to see you review the KO G1 triple changer Sandstorm. It could pass for a G2 version if they had ever decided to produce one back in the day. Could I ask how much you paid for it?

  3. The Non-TF's. They are the most unique.

  4. Well I think it's safe to say that we have a winner!
