
Friday, April 10, 2015

Transformers Generations: Goshooter w/ Go Shuta (Million Publishing Exclusive)

Million Publishing has previously released two exclusive Transformers figures in the form of Stepper and Artfire. The mail-away tradition continues with the newly released Generations figure in Japan, Goshooter.

While in the Generation One series, Goshooter's toy was a redeco Headmaster Siren from the U.S. series. This time however, Goshooter's new figure is based on Generations Bumblebee/Goldfire/Nightbeat.

Being a mail-away, the figure could pose some difficulty purchasing at or near "retail" price. There are several large online Transformers dealers offering the figure as well, but a contact I've used in the past for Japanese exclusives (Arthur) came through yet again for me. In fact, this was one of those figures I paid for quite some time ago and nearly forgot about!

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2053_zpsxvkust47.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2055_zpsyfjmrika.jpg

The packaging is done is a vertical style box in black and white. While the pictures may not make it look at that appealing, it really does look sharp in hand. However I feel the cardboard used this time around is rather thin. If it had not been for the form fitting cardboard insert, the box could easily be punctured it's so thin.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2054_zps7ttbk7pf.jpg   Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2056_zpsmny5fboj.jpg

One side of the box gives you Goshooter's tech spec rankings, while the other side shows how Go Shuta's transector form is now that of a helicopter as opposed to a Headmaster. Not just a helicopter, Go Shuta can also transform into a Plasma Power Rifle for Goshooter to wield.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2057_zpspeky5etl.jpg

The aforementioned cardboard insert that helps give the box it's shape, not to mention protect this beauty of toy inside!

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2059_zpsssvp6i6b.jpg

Right out of the box I knew I was going to like this toy. I was always fond of the vehicle mold to begin with and even though it's a departure from his G1 vehicle mode, it works. You see more and more Police groups using muscle cars these days so it seems fitting that Goshooter would receive this modern upgrade.

My only complaint in vehicle mode is the blue section of plastic located just behind the front quarter panel on each side. I really wish this piece could have been cast in white plastic as it tends to stick out too much. However, that aside I do think this is a beautiful vehicle form.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2060_zpsm6xexzf6.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2061_zpsfcod2xbv.jpg

One of the first things I noticed are all the extra paint applications versus other versions of this mold. You'll see some comparison pics later on in the post. Obviously the lack of a light bar stands out the most as this is supposed to be a Police car of course. However Takara Tomy didn't let this go completely unnoticed. Check out the head lights. Red on one side and blue on the other. Awesome looking in my opinion.

In the G1 series, the original Goshooter toy had the number designation C-301. As a nod you see this tampographed onto the rear bumper and again on the roof of the car. The exhaust system also received a rich, semi-metallic looking gray paint.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2063_zps7md37uxs.jpg

The undercarriage of the car is pretty compact and flat. It does a good job at hiding most of the robot parts. You can see the lower portion of the arms and hands, but that is about it.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2065_zps3xgddhn1.jpg

Like with previous releases of this mold, Goshooter comes with two flame shooting guns. They can attach to the sides of the car if you prefer that type of thing. I guess you could also reverse the direction of the guns to and use as a type of flame powered booster.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2075_zpssdnnm5xl.jpg

Transformation into robot mode is pretty straight forward and painless. Pull out the doors; separate the hood; flip back the hood/roof of the car; fold down the legs and flip the feet around; pull down the torso to reveal the head.

Believe it or not this is the first time I've transformed this mold. I own Goldfire, but never bothered to transform him as I opted to display him in car mode. Generations Nightbeat was still MOSC before this review as well. More on him later.

Goshooter looks awesome. This mold surprisingly fits the character to a T. Goshooter sports a good deal of articulation, basically what you've come to know and expect from a modern deluxe size Transformer. However if you've been reading my posts for awhile then you know by now that I'm not the best with dynamic poses and what not.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2076_zps8vntanxx.jpg

The headsculpt was reused from the Nightbeat release, however the eye color was changed from red to blue. They also went with a translucent blue in order to take advantage of some light piping. While I'm glad they went with the translucent plastic, it should have stayed red to better match his G1 self.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2079_zpskuq1f984.jpg

Go Shuta has gone through his own transformation of sorts. No longer is his Transector a Headmaster head, but now a Police helicopter. The toy used here is based on Blazemaster who was originally packaged with Bumblebee.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2080_zpsozalgj99.jpg

In true Transformers fashion there is more than meets the eye with this new upgraded version of Go Shuta. In addition to his robot mode, he can now transform into a Targetmaster style gun for Goshooter to wield in battle!

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2082_zpsrld4r4mv.jpg

I never cared much for the robot mode of this mold. The new colors are an improvement over Blazemaster's in my opinion, but it doesn't help much. Perhaps if the robot head wasn't on the end of the helicopter's tail piece.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2081_zpsn2ua5arz.jpg

I plan to keep Go Shuta in gun mode, displayed as such. Goshooter looks pretty tough. I prefer Go Shuta as his weapon of choice over the flame guns he also comes packaged with.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2087_zpsqituewki.jpg

Which weapon do you prefer?

Now of course this wouldn't be a proper review without some comparison pics, would it? We'll start with Go Shuta and Blazemaster.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2084_zpsqfyptb53.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2083_zpsih72cm7t.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2085_zpslzftz2to.jpg

I kinda like the look of a dual wielding Targetmaster Goshooter. I wonder how the Decepticons would feel about that?

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2066_zpsfnnq2p4p.jpg

I opted to use Generations Nightbeat as the main comparison piece for this post for a number of reasons, but if you look carefully at my Nightbeat you'll see he's a little different. Yep, he's pretty much a convertible! I mentioned earlier that I had not opened this toy until the other night when I took the pictures. Upon transforming him from his packaged bot mode to vehicle mode is when I discovered he was missing part of the car's roof. D'oh! Change of plans.

Now what's interesting here is that in the US G1 series, both Nightbeat and his fellow Headmaster, Siren, would be repainted into Minelba (Minerva) and Goshooter. However in the US Generations series, it would be Nightbeat that would be repainted into Goshooter. It works well obviously, I just find it a little ironic the way things worked out.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2067_zpsmxlnohyu.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2068_zpsqkdiubmp.jpg

Goldfire (I still hate that name, can I please call him Goldbug?) works OK as a emergency fill in, but man had I wished I would've opened Nightbeat earlier. Of course now he's not as readily available at retail as he once was. At least he serves his purpose here. Great mold, but looks so much better as Nightbeat or Goshooter.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2077_zpstapd51rj.jpg

Thankfully Nightbeat looks alright in robot mode so we can continue to use him as we compare the two figures. As you can tell not much as really been changed here outside of the colors. Same head (minus the translucent versus solid plastic used for the eye visor). Goshooter just looks better in my opinion due to all of the extra paint apps. The headlights, chest piece, legs; even the rear painted windows stand out more and help make this figure just plain look better than other versions of this mold.

The burning question many may have left however is how does he compare to his original G1 self? Well I just happen to have myself a loose G1 Goshooter in my Ikea Detolf case so let me go and grab him real quick.

(this is a great time to remember to tell you that you can click on any picture for a larger view)

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2070_zpsrbvknnsy.jpg

There we go. Nice. However upon taking these pictures I realized my vintage Goshooter is no where as white as the new Generations version. It's not yellowed, it's just not bleach white. That aside, the most glaring and noticeable difference is the lack of a light bar on the modern version. I really had wished Takara Tomy would have sculpted a new light bar piece for this release. Perhaps some 3rd party company will come to our rescue. Anyone?

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2074_zpsp0faqq5a.jpg

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2071_zpslsltpwil.jpg

Takara Tomy did a pretty good job at matching the original Police design for this release. From the door stylings, to the black bar across the rear quarter panel with the Police in silver paint. The windshield too has the matching silver stripe across the top. The hood emblem is very close to the original. Here, let's take a closer look at that.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2073_zps8salsabw.jpg   Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2072_zps9ppyucsv.jpg

On the left we have the Generations hood emblem while on the right we have the vintage G1 hood emblem. While there are very close to one another, you can spot the minor differences. The new emblem obviously features a tad more detail than the original.

Generations Goshooter photo IMG_2089_zpsjxcngh1y.jpg

All that is left is to look at the two robot modes. While the new Generations version is smaller than the original G1 toy, the similarities carry over into robot mode. The only thing that I didn't initially catch myself was the use of blue paint on the chest piece of the Generations figure. See how the blue paint helps recreate the white chest piece on the G1 toy? This piece of course reveals the Headmaster's tech specs on the G1 toy. Very nice, yet subtle use of paint there Takara Tomy.

Overall this is a beautiful piece and I can't recommend him enough...that is if you can get him for a decent price. I'll leave it up to you as to what is a decent price however. I may be a little late to the party when it comes to this particular Generations mold, but I find it to be one of the better molds I've messed around with. Great car mode, great robot mode. Slap on the new deco for Goshooter and we have ourselves a winner. No buyer's remorse here. I'm very satisfied with the latest Million Publishing mail-away release. If I have anything left to add is that I kinda wished I had held onto Generations Artfire and Stepper now. And one last thing...I should pulled out the black backdrop for this photo shoot. Oh well, live and learn. Thanks for stopping by everyone!


  1. He looks awesome , I kinda wish I went in on him now :)

    1. Some guy just posted in the TFYLP Facebook page a link to a eBay auction for $89 w/ free shipping!
