
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Descent

I hate this movie poster, but I love the film. This is a keep you on your edge of the seat and bite your nails until your fingers hurt kind of movie. If you are claustrophobic then I highly suggest you don't watch this movie!

The movie takes place one year after a woman vacationing with her family suffers a horrible traffic accident. Her friends encourage her to go on a caving expedition in the mountains of North Carolina. During their adventure they suffer one horrible thing after another. Trapped inside a dark cave with no real sense of direction and running low on supplies should be enough to scare you. Throw in some sort of cave dwelling underground predators and you've got the perfect mix of fear to make an excellent movie.

From the opening traffic accident scene I knew I was in for a good ride (no pun intended). Most of this movie takes place in a dark cave and the lack of lighting really helps the overall creepy atmosphere of this movie. I've never been much of an outdoors adventurous type of person and after seeing this movie I don't ever intend to be. I found this movie a refreshing change of pace from the typical horror movie. You may classify this as more of a thriller, but either way its a great movie.

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