
Friday, January 3, 2014

Featured eBay auction of the week - Fans Project Casuality "Stunticons" MISB lot

In between working my job, helping my wife around the house and with the kids and running this blog, I'm also trying to thin out some things from my collection.  I'm going to try and spotlight at least one of the auctions each week that I feel like some people may be interested in.

We'll start off w/ a sealed lot of four of Fans Project's Casuality "not-Stunticons".  I was super excited about these initially, but I'm not completely sold on the final images of Diesel (Motormaster) that I've seen online.  Plus that's another $100+ that I just don't have right now.  Menasor was never my favorite Decepticon combiner anyhow.  It's times like these that my procrastination has paid off (hopefully) since I never got around to opening these 4 toys.  I just listed the lot on eBay this morning to run for 7 days (ending Friday, 01-10-14) so we'll see what happens.


  1. Love the Stunticons my favorite of the combine robots and these sets are sweet but way out of my price range. Good luck on the aution am sure they will sell quickly.

    1. FP did a great job w/ the cars, but if I don't like "Menasor" what's the point in keeping these 4? Perhaps I can find something w/ the money from the sale that appeals to me more.

    2. Totally agree with you there Colbey oh and i let my friend know about your Black Zarak you have for sell and he said he was going to throw a bid at it. He love older TFs so this is right down his alley. : )

  2. Kewl. I hear you about the thinning. I've been cleaning out the man cave in prep for your baby due in March. Oh and if you want you there's still time to enter my Super Bowl Contest. Just FYI

    1. Guess you can tell where I've been spending the majority of my time my friend. Thanks for the card the other day...I don't believe I had that one! Oh and congrats on the pending baby. Exciting times for sure. Thanks for the reminder too...heading over to your blog now...

  3. This was an excellent idea Colbey in listing your item here to spread the word on it.

    I really like Menasor (even though I don't have a nice set yet myself). I had considered getting the set you have, along with a few other third party combiners but I have to draw the line at some point. I can't complete every line out there, especially if I don't have the G1 versions yet.

    I'm sure you won't have any problems finding a buyer for this set. All the best.


    1. I had to draw the line too. The thing w/ these 3rd party combiners is once you buy one, you feel compelled to finish the set...which really adds up. Menasor will set you back about $350 once you're all said and done. TFC's combiners w/ the add-on set totals near $550! That's just too rich for my blood.
