
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Transformers Bot Shots: Starscream

February 2012, Transformers Prime First Edition toys had just hit local Toys R Us stores in my area. I was on my way out of town for a business meeting and there just happened to be a TRU right off Hwy I-85 I was traveling. I ran inside hoping to find the new Prime figures (which I did, grabbed Arcee and Starscream that day). I also found something else that was just released, Bot Shots.

I had previously saw pictures of these toys on TFW2005, but this was my first encounter with them at retail. All I knew about them was they featured a spring loaded transformation that was activated when they were crashed. The figures were used as part of a 'paper, rock, scissors' type game. They were small, super deformed-esque and inexpensive. I grabbed a few to see what they were like. The first wave only contained a few, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Starscream.

These toys are small, simple and don't feature a lot of paint apps or articulation, however the designers crammed a lot of detail into each figure. I love the head sculpt of Starscream (as well as most of the other figures) as they nailed his G1 self. Even the sly little smirk on his face has been captured in plastic.

While I ended up buying a lot of the G1 character based Bot Shots from the next few waves, I ended up giving them away to children at Charticon earlier this year. I had originally planned to do a Bot Shots tournament, but my plate got full and that idea was scrapped. The kids that stopped by my table didn't seem to care however as they were able to play w/ the toys and even take a few home with them for free.


  1. I had a few of these a while back along with a couple of the cars and i rather like the Seeker Jets the best over them they really have a SD Robotech feel to them for me for what ever reason.
