
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Charticon exclusive custom figure fully revealed - Snipenose (G1 Needlenose)

Charticon already wowed me with their exclusive figure, Aftershock (Quake).  Now they knock my socks off with the (full) reveal of the custom class figure - none other than G1 Quake's buddy, Needlenose...or Snipenose in this case (don't wanna be sued by Hasbro!).

At the time of this posting there are a few spots left in the customization class if you are planning on attending Charticon.  I believe there are a few non-attendee kits complete w/ DVD instructions if you're going to be lame and sit out the awesome weekend that will be Charticon.

For more details, pricing and to sign up head on over to Charticon TODAY!

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