
Monday, March 4, 2013

GI Joe Retaliation: Cobra Red Ninja

Red Ninja photo GoShooterProjectandYardsellr033.jpg

Here's another G.I. Joe Retaliation figure I've been sitting on since last summer.  At the time I didn't really realize that the whole ninja element would be so widely focused on in the upcoming Retaliation movie.  Now that the movie is just a few weeks away from releasing and there are more toys on the shelves, I can see the ninja focus now more than ever.

This looks like a cool figure and all, but could Hasbro really not come up with a more imaginative name?  Red  Ninja.  Really Hasbro?!

Red Ninja photo GoShooterProjectandYardsellr034.jpg

I really hate that Hasbro isn't including file cards with the new G.I. Joe figures.  File cards are to G.I. Joe to what tech spec cards are to Transformers.  I've still yet to set up the 7 feet of zip line that this and the other ninja figures come with.

Red Ninja photo GoShooterProjectandYardsellr037.jpg

I'm not the best when it comes to identifying previously used parts from other figures, but I believe this is mostly a repainted G.I. Joe Renegades Storm Shadow figure.  This is a good thing.  This is a super articulated figure (ankle joints!) and comes with some decent accessories.

Red Ninja photo GoShooterProjectandYardsellr036.jpg   Red Ninja photo GoShooterProjectandYardsellr035.jpg

I'm guessing because the zip line was included with the figure that cuts had to be made in the accessory department.  The Red Ninja's weapons are just two swords.  No claws or throwing starts to pose in his hands this time around.  All in all though it's a pretty cool release and I can see plenty of hardcore Joe collectors army building this generic character.

1 comment:

  1. I have the one from the dojo 3-pack and it's cool but nothing really exciting.
