
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

DiaRobo: Medicalrex DR-0003

DR-0003 photo Dec15087.jpg

Perhaps the gem in the first wave of DiaRobo toys was the t-rex.  Like with many of the DiaRobo toys, this particular mold comes in three varieties.  I chose to go with DR-0003 as my first choice...Medicalrex.  1)  it's a cool looking ambulance and 2) it transforms into a freakin' t-rex!

DR-0003 photo Dec15091.jpg

DR-0003 photo Dec15089.jpg

DR-0003 photo Dec15090.jpg   DR-0003 photo Dec15092.jpg

Just like nearly all of the previous DiaRobo toys I've looked at, the vehicle is modeled after a Toyota Hiace. I do have to admit that I had to look this up as this model of Toyota is not commonly used in the USA.  My only gripe about this toy is that you can see the various moving panels in vehicle mode, especially from the front view.  Other than that I'd have to say it's one of my favorite vehicles in the line thus far.

DR-0003 photo Dec15098.jpg

DR-0003 photo Dec15097.jpg

I wanted to make the t-rex pictures a little larger so you could see every bit of it's awesome-ness.  First of all who ever thought of combining an ambulance and a t-rex is a genius!  Transformation is rather simple.  The side and top panels essentially slide out allowing the dinosaur bits to be pulled out.  Articulation is limited, but that isn't to say this thing is a brick.  Both the mouth and the tail are on hinge joints, while the small arms are attached via ball and socket.  The feet also have some play in how you pose your dino.

This really is a great figure and worthy of being your first DiaRobo toy.  I also have one of the other 2 remolded/recolored t-rex toys so keep a watch for him soon.


  1. Now this is totally cool! I must look into getting some of these for sure now.

  2. Combining a T-rex and ANYTHING is genius. Gotta love that name as well, Medical-rex, what were the designers on when they came up with this toy??? I like it!
