
Friday, December 7, 2012

KO Korner: G1 Transformers Triple Metamorphs 368 B Cobra / "Battletrap"

It's been awhile since we've visited the KO Korner so let's push past all of the authentic Transformers and the 3rd party stuff and look at an interesting knock off of G1 Transformers Battletrap...or at least half of him.



I've found that these Metamorphs branded Transformer KOs are some of the best on the market.  Usually the plastic is of better quality than most bootleg toys and the color schemes are interesting.  Sometimes they are drastically different like "Quickmix" I reviewed earlier this year while others are subtle changes from the original G1 release.  The latter is the case for this one half release of the Duocon, Battletrap.

Not surprisingly the original G1 box art was used on both the front and back of the box.  The only alteration I can see is the added cobra snake on the copter portion.  I have no idea if the jeep portion of the toy was colored like the G1 release so I can't comment if the colors are toy accurate.  I'd love the pick up the other half, but I'm not holding my breath of ever finding it...or the other Duocon, Flywheels.



Cobra, as he is now called, looks very similar to Battletrap, but there are a few changes.  First off the decals.  You've got the appropriate cobra sticker on the wing, but there is also a clear target reticule sticker on the center cockpit panel.  Speaking of the cockpit the whole think is painted a light shade of purple...which I really like.  The more obvious changes are blue plastic used for the center portion and the added gun sculpted onto the nose of the helicopter.  The guns underneath the wings have also been extended from the G1 release.  These changes give the copter a much more menacing look in my opinion and look really nice.


The last change that I noticed is on the underside of the 'copter.  First of all the colored piece of plastic is orange versus blue.  You may also notice the lack of springs here as well.  With both G1 Duocons when you placed the two vehicles together and pressed down, they would merge together and pop up into robot mode.  The KO loses the spring, but transformation isn't really hindered by this.  The last change I noticed is the lack of the peg hole for the original weapon to be pegged in.



I grabbed the bottom half of my G1 Battletrap to get a better look at the helicopter's portion of robot mode.  Combined together it looks pretty good, but you can tell the shade of blue plastic is darker than the G1 toy.  It's almost a purple blue.  The head sculpt is identical to the original, but you can see there is a lot of over spray of silver paint on the face.

Comparison time!  What good is a review of a KO if you don't have the original toy to put side by side?

Which look do you prefer?
New tail fin stickers!
Here is a better look at the bottom and the missing springs.

I know a lot of Transformer fans could care less about KOs, but I find them intriguing and fun.  I find the characters that these Taiwanese or Chinese companies decide to knock off equally interesting.  Perhaps one day I'll find the other half of Cobra or my namesake (Flywheels), but for now I'll just have to settle with what I've got.  In a lot of ways I like this helicopter better than the authentic version.  He's better armed and has a better look in vehicle mode with the addition of the purple on the cockpit.  I wish the blue was more in line with the Hasbro version, but that is a small complaint.  

I've got a really interesting piece that I'm working on for the next installment of KO Korner that I'm excited about sharing with everyone.  So if you're into KOs or just a fan of a certain TF leader then make sure you keep visiting the blog for the next entry.


  1. Gotta say, the KO version looks better to me. The nose gun and the painted windows sell it.

  2. KO has the edge but reprolabels can fix that on a G1 Battletrap

  3. I'm always on the look out for a good KO of something. I LOVE my KO Dino Cassettes. The quality isn't the very best in the world, but they do very well in my collection. I'm going to be interested in seeing of any "oversized" Fall of Cybertron KOs hit the market, specifically the Combaticons and Prime.
