
Monday, October 29, 2012

Movie Maniacs: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series 7 - Erin

I collect too many toys as is so I've done my best to stay away from collecting new lines of toys, however every once in awhile a line catches my attention. Such is the case with McFarlane Toys' Movie Maniacs. Being a big horror film fan it should come as no surprise that these "figures" really appeal to me. Now why did I put the word figures in quotes? Well, because they aren't traditional action figures - more like well designed and sculpted plastic statues.

Knowing that these were nothing more than slick (or is it sick?) display pieces I went ahead and selected the Texas Chainsaw Massacre diorama of Erin from Series 7. I was a huge fan of Michael Bay's 2003 reboot of TCM and what red blooded male doesn't find Jessica Biel to be a piece of eye candy? For me it was a match made in heaven.

McFarlane Toys did an excellent job re-creating a scene from the movie where Erin is being chased through a butcher/meat plant by Leatherface. The whole diorama stands at about 9 3/4 inches tall. The figure of Erin is removable, but without the aid of the base the figure can't stand on it's own. The figure of Erin is about 5 3/4 inches tall.

The overall sculpting is very very nice, but they didn't quite nail down Jessica's face for the figure. The part that makes this piece so visually entertaining is the large chunk of meat and all the hanging chains and hooks. A few of the chains are metal and can be repositioned.

My wife was never super crazy about me having this "toy" on display - not sure if it stemmed from it being horror movie related or the fact that it was Jessica Biel in plastic form. I've since found a new home for it, but I wanted to immortalize the toy here on the blog and with Halloween right around the corner it was the perfect time to share it.

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