
Saturday, September 1, 2012

The TF comic crossover that almost happened...

I'm not a fan of DC Comics or many of it's characters, but man does the art and character pairings in this shot look awfully tempting.  I mean Aquaman is taking on the Pretender Submarauder/Gilmer!!


  1. That's pretty awesome. Do you know who the artist is? I don't see a signature. Maybe Jim Lee?

  2. Thankfully they came to their senses before they had another Avengers disaster. Why do they think crossovers are so popular anyway? Personally I really don't like the Transformers crossing over into any other universe, even GI Joe.

  3. That's Phil Jimenez on art. And I'm glad this thing got canned. The Avengers crossover made my head hurt.

  4. I kinda agree with Ark, except the GI Joe thing on occasion. You have to admit, Cobra Commander showing up in later G1 was pretty cool.

  5. From what I know Phil Jimenez and the writer pitched this idea to DC before their whole 52 thing (hence the older costumes). I don't think IDW was really involved in this. I really doubt it'll ever happen and at the end of the day I'm fine with that. I could swallow the TF/GI Joe crossovers, but the New Avengers story was just plain horrible (I can't believe IDW included it in their oversized hardcover collections).
