
Friday, June 22, 2012

HeroesCon Day 1

I feel very lucky to have such an awesome annual convention such as the HeroesCon held in my backyard each year.  There are no shortages of great comic book conventions across America, but one of the best is held in mid June each year in Charlotte, NC.

I took a day of vacation and made the short trip uptown to the Charlotte Convention Center w/ my wife, older brother and a friend of mine. With my mom watching our two girls this weekend my wife and I were excited to "get away" a bit.  Even though comics aren't really my wife's thing, she graciously agreed to come along and help me look for comics.

Beforehand I made her two lists.  A text list and a list w/ thumbnail images of the covers.  She doesn't really get the differences between Captain America vol. 1 and vol. 3 and I wanted to make things as easy on her as possible.

I like attending on Friday as you get first dibs at thumbing through all the boxes before the masses swarm the sales floor on Saturday.  It all paid off today as I set my wife loose at a booth that had all of their 50 cent books in alphabetical and numerical order!  I believe she found about 60 books for me at that one booth.

I think we spent a total of 6 hours today at the show and even though my body is tired I'm ready for more tomorrow.  I was unable to take many pictures today, but I'll work on that tomorrow and see what I can upload.

It's hard to believe this convention is as old as my wife!  This is the 30th anniversary of the HeroesCon and to celebrate the event a very nice Rocketeer print was made and given to people that bought a 3 day advance ticket.  The prints weren't ready this morning so I'll have to pick up mine on the way out tomorrow.

Also to help celebrate the anniversary this weekend they brought in the legendary Stan Lee!  I didn't pony up the extra cash to buy a ticket that had special privileges for autographs and such, but we do plan to attend his panel tomorrow.


This is just a very small sample of what I brought home w/ me today.  I still can't believe we found all of these books in the 50 cent boxes!  Well the Nova Essential TPB wasn't $.50, but still a good deal at $5.00.  I could've knocked out a big run of The Defenders, but I settled w/ issues #61 & #62 for the time being.  I know a lot of dealers will start marking things down late tomorrow and going into Sunday so I have to practice some patience.  I couldn't believe that my wife pulled out Avengers #188 & #189.  I'm getting ever so closer to have a consecutive run of 250 issues of the Avengers!


My brother is the one who found this Captain America Annual.  The cover artist Mike Zeck is in attendance this weekend so I might have to take this book back w/ me to have him add his autograph to this iconic cover.

All in all it was a great day and I can't wait to see what day 2 and day 3 has in store for us.  Keep checking back for more updates, pictures and to see what else I bought.

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