
Sunday, April 8, 2012

When it rains it pours...

Easter is supposed to be a great day...after all our Lord and Savior conquered death and rose from the grave!  However my Easter Sunday started off when a call from my credit union as we were walking out the door for church.  It appears that my credit card had been comprised earlier today.  I'm thankful my bank caught the charges and called so quickly to verify the transactions, but not really the way I thought the day would start out.  Could've been worse, but OK life goes on.

Then I come home this evening and while I'm gathering the trash through out the house I stop in my office/toy room and I notice a large G.I. Joe Sigma 6 gun laying on the floor as I went for the trash can.  I really didn't think much about it since I was in a hurry.  After my wife and I get the girls bathed and in bed I head back to my room to work.  Thats when I look up and see this:


...a big blank space on the wall where my G.I. Joe display rack once hung.  I re-purposed an old cassette rack to display the handful of loose Joe figures I had opened. It worked well.  Emphasis on worked.  This section of the wall is between two windows so finding available studs wasn't easy.  We had the idea of using those 3M Command Strips for picture frames.  I grabbed the largest size available and I think we used 2 packages of them.  The rack has been up for months.  It was one of the last things I did to my room before the local news crew came over to my house for my interview and spotlight on my Transformers collection.  Apparently one of the strips decided it didn't want to adhere to the wall any longer and CRASH!  Everything came down.  The rack took out a large framed poster and a few carded figures as well.


Here is what the wall / rack looked like this morning.  Here is the aftermath...




As you can see the figures went EVERYWHERE!  Behind the computer monitor, desk and sofa.  If you collect modern Joes then you'll know the figures now come with lots and lots of gear, weapons and accessories.  A lot of these said accessories are now in between the sofa, desk and the wall.  My desk is huge and very heavy.  I won't be moving this desk anytime soon.  I'm hoping that I can slide the couch out from the wall and retrieve the missing pieces.

I'm so bummed and a little upset right now and I have no plans to replace the shelving right now.  I may eventually put up a small section of track shelving like I used in the rest of the room or I may just go w/ those decorative type ledge shelves found at Target or Lowe's.  I'm not sure.  I know it could've been worse, but that doesn't help how I feel at the moment.

So, if you are in the process of displaying your valued toy collection then take a lesson from me.  Don't use 3M Command Strips!  At least not for hanging any type of display shelves.


  1. That is horrible. I hope you find all if the accessories. I tried displaying my modern Joes with all of the accessories, but I was so worried that I'd lose them. I can't tell from the pics, but do you use the display stands that came with them?

    1. Yeah, I used the stands. For several months everything worked out so well. The shelves were the perfect height and they held everything I owned. I just finished selling off the majority of my Joe collection. I only kept the modern Pursuit of Cobra and 30th Anniversary stuff with a few other things sprinkled in.

  2. maybe you should've used CammandO strips!! just a thought!! that would not do well in my house as I would be looking for the extra gear scattered around the back yard... you know, four dogs and all that!! I'm a little surprised cause the before stuff does not look very heavy?? Good luck with the retreival and the re-build.

  3. Ah, dude, that's awful. I am sorry to see that and to read about the credit card fraud! I got hit in the whole Fun Publications credit card theft thing, so I know how you feel on that front. On the collapsing display, I don't have any shelves that are hung, but I do have a recurring nightmare about coming into the room to find a shelf has collapsed forward for whatever reason and taken out the shelf across from it. I hope the accessory retrieval is successful.

  4. Bummer... I feel your pain. A few weeks ago, I bumped my bookshelf while moving boxes and a bunch of my Star Wars figures came tumbling down. Worst part about it was Yoda's lightsaber broke :-(

    Best of luck on the rebuilding process.

  5. Ouch! I always have visions of that happening to my collection. Really sorry to see this. I hope eveything is still intact. Over all I hope you had a Happy Easter.

  6. Can you imagine that happening in the middle of the night? Talk about a wake up call!

    Sucks that this happened, but I guess it could have been a lot worse if it had been one of your other shelves. Hopefully nothing is unrepairable or irreplaceable and you can get it back up soon. I know if it were me it would probably nag me until I fixed it.
