
Saturday, February 18, 2012

2012 Transformers Collector's Club Exclusive - Over-Run (Runabout)

I was pleasantly greeted last night to a package on the front porch courtesy of the Transformers Collector's Club (TFCC). Say what you will about Fun Publications and the TFCC, but they have done a stellar job with this year's exclusive toy.

I was never a huge fan of the original G1 Battlechargers. The pull back gimmick just didn't do anything for me. At least with the Jumpstarters the figures would "jump" into robot mode. The Battlechargers just popped up. That said the TFCC have updated the G1 character Runabout in a excellent way. First thing you probably noticed however is the name. Over-Run? Yeah. It sucks they had to change the name. I'm surprised they just didn't slap "Decepticon" in front of the original name. I'd even go for the name suggestion I saw on Twitter - why not use the Canadian name "Runaboot"?!

I love the packaging the TFCC has used for their exclusives since day one. With some of their earlier releases the box art was the best part. At least now the toy housed inside is equally as awesome. The art is a reproduction of the classic Marvel Comics cover #23. It's a shame I don't have room to display boxes anymore because this one is a beauty!

Another nice touch to the packaging is the ability to store the upcoming figure Runamuck. I won't be using this feature, but I still appreciate the ability to do so. Over-Run's tech card is in the same style and format from past exclusives and Botcon exclusives.

Subgroup: Battlechargers
Function: Shock Trooper
Motto: " Beauty is fleeting. Especially when I'm around. "

Over-Run tries to pass himself off as a suave connoisseur of fine things. It’s not a façade he can really maintain for long, less because of his generally low intelligence and more because his interest in beautiful objects starts and ends with “blow them up!” His drive to seem sophisticated is in direct conflict with his enthusiastic love of explosions and action. The former is almost always on the losing side of that battle. He’s not interested in the Decepticons’ plans for conquest; he’s just with them because of the greater opportunities for his kind of fun. He’s always on the move, looking to create a bigger fireball, a larger bomb crater, and generally cram every microsecond with action.

He is partnered with the hyperactive Runamuck, and has never had more fun in his life. Marginally smarter than his partner, he also has better self-control, giving the pairing just enough focus to present a real danger to most robots they gang up on. 

Out of the box you'll see that Over-Run is down right beautiful. The black and red accents blend together wonderfully. The club did a great job taking the Wheeljack mold and making it look both menacing and sexy at the same time. I had my doubts at first when I heard of the choice of mold, but I'm no longer a skeptic.

I love looking at the updated characters side by side when their original counterparts, in this case the G1 version of Runabout. Originally Runabout was a Lotus Turbo Espirit where as now he is just a generic sports car. Doesn't it really matter though when the sports car looks this nice? The red windows, white wheels and big purple Decepticon emblem on the hood though all tie it together and portray a nice homage to the original toy.

This is easily one of my favorite Classics / Generations molds to date. I loved the mold changes they made to differentiate between Tracks and Wheeljack. Sure the robot doesn't look exactly like the G1 version, but I'm glad it doesn't. I wasn't too sure about having the shoulder mounted rockets or the wings displayed, but after holding him I can say these features don't look that out of place. Of course you have the option of whether or not you want to extend the wings or attached the rockets.

Transformers fan and artist Dan Khanna designed the new head for the figure and he did a fantastic job. This toy just wouldn't have worked with a recolored Tracks or Wheeljack head. It needed a new head so I'm glad they hit a home run here.

Comparison time! Seriously - there is no comparison. Where there was once no real legs, feet, arms or hands - now there are.

Here's a quick snapshot I took for the TFCC. He looks happy amongst his fellow Decepticons, though I'm sure he'll be really happy once his partner in crime Runamuck is standing beside him.

If you were on the fence as to whether or not join the TFCC or to purchase this figure then stop reading this review now and go ahead and grab him while you can. The club said they increased the production numbers so everyone could own him that wanted to. This by far is the best club exclusive figure they made to date. The bar has been set high for future releases. Let's just hope the club can keep up!


  1. Completely agree, they really hit a home run this time, just like with Punch/Counterpunch. And as with P/CP I think Runabout has already sold out despite the increased production numbers. I know they increased the numbers for everything they did this year, but I think it really says something when the club figures sell out and the Botcon ones do not. I'm betting this year's set will end up in the same place as the 2009 set.

  2. I ordered a shirt when I ordered Runabout and Drift, so I haven't gotten mine in yet :'( Wouldn't have bought a shirt if I knew it would cause a delay, I can't wait to have these guys!
