
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You're invited to take a 3 minute virtual tour of my collection

I mentioned a week or so ago that my Transformers collection was going to be featured on a local news program.  Well the producer and film crew stopped by the other day to record.  I'm still not sure at this time when the episode of Carolina Camera will air on local television, but when I know I'll post the details here.  Hopefully they'll put the segment online too so I can share.

Since the story is focusing on my Transformers collection the rest of my newly finished room was not videoed, I wanted to still be able to share the rest of the room with others.  I grabbed our Flip camera and shot a quick video.  You'll only waste 3 minutes of your life so go ahead and push the play button.  I also have a LOT of still photos of the room including my entire Transformers collection that I'll share once I finish editing them all.  So for now enjoy the quick virtual tour of my room I hang out in nearly everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic my friend, I can't wait to see it on TV and in person! Congratulations on finally getting everything finished.
