
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Transformers Prime Optimus Prime SDCC exclusive

The 2011 San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) has come and gone and what it left behind was all sorts of exciting news about upcoming Transformers product. One of the exclusive Transformers toys offered this year at the convention was a preview of sorts of the upcoming Transformers Prime line based on the animated show of the same name. Our cable company doesn't carry the HUB network on the level we subscribe to so I've yet to see a full length episode of Prime, but from what I have seen and know about the series makes it look like it's a lot of fun. Combine my curiosity with the awesome packaging that tends to accompany SDCC exclusives and you have a recipe for success.

The packaging this year is short of awesome. Right off the bat you should be able to tell that the box is modeled after Optimus Prime's chest. In the middle you'll notice a round logo of sorts. This is actually a full size magnet that holds the box's 2 flaps shut. Wow, a magnetized box! This has to be a first. In the bottom left corner you have a silver foil SDCC 2011 sticker.

The top of the box has Optimus' name printed in silver foil. I like the font used and the the silver foil names the name pop out on the stormy blue background.

On each side of the box you have the Transformers Prime logo. With this being a preview figure of sorts you also have "First Edition" stamped in silver foil signifying this is a special release.

Flip the box over and you have some beautiful original artwork depicting Optimus Prime holding the Matrix of Leadership above his head. All I can say is awesome!

Alright, enough looking at the outside of the box. Let's take the magnet off and take a peek at what is inside this awesome looking packaging.

Wow!  Each flap opens up to reveal more art along with Optimus himself encased in the Matrix! Hasbro continues to outdo themselves with their packaging. It's almost too pretty to disturb, but thankfully the Matrix isn't attached to the box. Instead it's just laying there waiting to be picked up and opened.

The left flap tells the story of Transformers Prime.

While the left flap is all about the Matrix of Leadership.

As I said before the Matrix is completely removable as the box acts more as a tray. You can take the whole Matrix piece out and where it around your neck with the included strap. This strap is simply attached by pieces of velcro at the ends.

It seems as if Hasbro took a note from Takara Tomy and packaged this in a way where you could remove the toy without having to totally butcher the packaging. Most toys in Japan are done this way. You can remove the toy and put it back in the packaging and (almost) can't tell that it's been opened. Kudos for this Hasbro. The Matrix is actually made up of metallic printed cardboard that is shaped to form the Matrix. The cardboard is rather flimsy so you have to be careful when removing the round center tray in the middle that holds Optimus. The only thing left in your way now are a few paper ties.

 Also included in the box is your standard instruction sheet giving you the steps to transform Optimus into vehicle mode. On the back are the instructions to get him back into robot mode. Growing up I would toss these aside quickly to get at transforming the toy. Now they are either too complicated or I'm stupid. Optimus here had a very unique and fun transformation. Nothing too complicated here, although a few of the panels didn't want to snap together as easily as I imagine they were designed to do.

 And finally we have freed Optimus from his cardboard and plastic "prison". Optimus Prime is a deluxe class action figure and stands about the same height as most other deluxe TFs. It appears the designers did a good job capturing his animated likeness from the show. As you can see Optimus sports his classic red and blue color scheme.

Here's a look at Optimus' rear. He does have a little bit of a "truck backpack", but surprisingly he has good balance. His feet are just large enough that it helps support the extra weight on the back.

I apologize for my lack of awesome action poses. I didn't go to action figure posing school. I wanted to show you however that this version of Optimus is well articulated. He has the now almost standard ball and socket or swivel joints in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, thighs, knees and feet.  

The only part of the robot that I don't care for are the arms. For one the shoulder movement seems hindered by some of the plastic around the shoulder area. The arms and forearms also seem a little weird to me. With part of the forearm being gray it gives the appearance of long hands...I dunno I just don't care for it. His hands also seemed a little skeletal to me. At least the hands are molded in a clinched fist like a lot of TFs have. He can wield his weapon in either hand. If you look at the inner left part of the leg you'll see a gray trailer hitch. Even though there isn't a trailer (yet), this is a nice touch.

Optimus retains his long nose tractor trailer cab form made popular in the live action Transformers movies. I don't care one way or the other, but I am glad there aren't any stupid flames on the cab! All six wheels are free rolling and aren't hindered at all.

The truck looks really good from the front. The vehicle could probably use some more paint apps, especially on the grill. I'm not a big fan of silver chrome, but he bumper, grill and smoke stacks would probably look even better if they were nice and shiny.

The back of the truck isn't best a it shows parts of the robot, but who looks at he back of the vehicle that much?

If you care here is a shot underneath the truck. You may be able to tell I had a hard time with one arm/shoulder lining up correctly during the transformation.

In closing this is an excellence piece. Hasbro has already stated that they'll be making a voyager scaled Optimus Prime figure which ought to excel over this one. That said it may be early next year before that toy is released so if you don't want to wait then you may want to go ahead and pick up this version of Optimus. As of this post Optimus is still available (wow, that kinda surprises me) at Hasbro Toy Shop. 

The packaging is beautiful and I'm so glad it was made to reassemble everything if you decide on opening it. If this figure is any indication of the quality of other Transformers Prime toys coming this fall then I think a lot of fans and collectors will be very happy.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review. I'm looking forward to the Prime line. But I think I will skip, and wait for the Voyager version of Optimus.
