
Friday, March 11, 2011

G1 Transformers (German?) Catalog

Continuing from my previous post I found this item inside the bag of Transformer goodies I purchased in a small toy shop in the Netherlands years and years ago. When I pulled the catalog out to scan I noticed (maybe for the first time) that the cover and first page is missing. This only adds to the mystery of the history of the catalog. My guess judging by the language printed inside is that it is of German origin. I don't recall seeing these pictures used in other catalogs - you correct me if I'm wrong. There isn't any thing here that most G1 Transformers collector's haven't seen before, but I find it interesting none the less.

This is page 3 of the catalog. It features both the Autobot Sparkabots and Decepticon Firecons.

Pages 4 and 5 feature combiners. Computron (Technobots) and Piranacon (Seacons).

Pages 6 & 7 feature the Junior Headmasters and Junior Targetmasters.
(Siren, Nightbeat, Hosehead, Squeezeplay, Horri-Bull, Fangry, Landfill, Scoop, Quickmix, Needlenose, Quake, Spinister)

Pages 8 & 9 features a large splash page of Powermaster Optimus Prime. How does
the catalog make the toy look so much cooler than it actually is?


Pages 10 & 11 features Powermasters.
(Double Dealer, Getaway, Joyride, Slapdash, Darkwing, Dreadwind)

Pages 12 & 13 feature my favorite subgroup of Transformers, the Pretenders!
(Waverider, Landmine, Cloudburst, Submarauder, Bombburst, Skullgrin, Chainclaw, Catilla, Snarler, Carnivac)

Page 14 features the Autobot six changer Quickswitch.

I really wish I had other pages of this catalog, but even as is this is a neat little Transformers memento from my missions trip to the Netherlands all those years ago.


  1. This is very cool. I don't recall any other publication using the old 'backgrounds' for this series of toys. By backgrounds I mean the rock and spotlight setups that were used in the original US catalogs that came with figures. I love seeing the toys displayed this way and wish someone would recreate it to showcase the new classic figures in the same fashion. I wonder if there is a publication out there that did it for the micromasters and action masters as well.

  2. I can't make it out from the small image sizes, but plug some of that text into Google Translate and I'm pretty sure it'll be Dutch (the official language of the Netherlands).
